When Angels Sang to Us

By: Ashiko-chan


Timeline #SSE-7341…

That’s where Tenou-sama wants me to go, ne?

I wonder what awaits me there…

Tenshi rubbed her shoulder gently, trying to ease the pain. Shipping and transporting goods for her master did it’s job on her body. For too many millenia she labored before she could reach the level of missionary Savior Angel. An Angel given the rights to transcend time and space.

And the right to grant power.


Five years since the day…

Tenshi shivered slightly as the breeze picked up a bit. It was far too cold a wind to belong in the Heavens for long. It swayed as cold and heavy as her heart felt. A heart burdened by pain and relentless grief.

Five years since I’ve loved…

Five years since I’ve sang…