Real DBZ Movie Title
Rejected Titles
"Return My Gohan"
English Title: "Dead
"Underage Drunkenness. Behold
"Garlic Jr. Makes a Mockery of DBZ:
Part 1"
"Take the Kid, We Don't Want Him!"
"The Real Reason why you shouldn't give
your Children Alcohol at a young age. (From
"Escapees of the AA club!" (From
"The Worlds
Strongest Guy"
English Title: "The
World's Strongest"
"The Return of That Brain From Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles"
"I'm Too Sexy For Goku's Body"
"Piccolo Gets A Head Piece"
"Goku Saves Everyone!: Episode 2"
"Fat Guys, Freezing Guys, and Electric
Lizards Special" (From MarioMan)
"Super Deciding Battle
for the Entire Planet Earth"
English Title: "Tree
Of Might"
"Bad Tree! Stuff Goes Wrong When
You Don't Celebrate Arbor Day!"
"Goku's Evil Look-Alike With A Tan"
"Hiya-Dragon (Icarus) Is The Strongest!"
"Goku Saves Everyone!: Episode 3"
"Tree of Might" oh...whoops. =P
"the Weed Killer!! Big Bad Tree, Goku's
evil twin eats fruit, Goku saved the
day, what else is new??" (From Treebee)
"Gardening with Turles; how to grow
killer trees that can destroy the world"
(From Dboki)
"Super Saiyajin Son
English Title: "Lord
"This Title Is A Lie"
"No Super Saiyajins Here. Go Home"
"Super Duper Mondo Big Namek Guy!"
"Goku Saves Everyone!: Episode 4"
"The Worst DBZ Movie"
"The Incredible Mightiest
vs. Mightiest"
English Title: "The
Return of Cooler"
"This Movie Is An Excuse To Make a Relative
for Freeza"
"Battle of the Big, Tough Fellas"
"Goku Saves Everyone!: Episode 5"
"Freeza's Androgynous Legacy Carries
on with his Brother" (From MarioMan)
"Clash!! 10,000,000,000
Powerful Warriors"
English Title: "Cooler's
"Double the Metal, Double The Fun!"
"The Same Movie as #5, But With Vegeta
In It!"
"Return Of The Metal Guy"
"Goku Saves Everyone!: Episode 6"
"Vegeta is here! But Freeza's Androgynous
Legacy still carries on." (From MarioMan)
"Extreme Battle!!
The Three Great Super Saiyans"
English Title: "Super
Android 13!"
"We're Not The Three Tennors"
"We're Not The Three Amigos"
"The Left-Over Androids"
"Trunks Is In This Movie!"
"Goku Saves Everyone!: Episode 7"
"Enter #13, the trucker android"
(From Dboki)
"Burning Fight: A
Close, Intense, Super-Fierce Battle"
"Heeeeeere's Broli!"
"Krillin's Singing, Someone Kill Him"
"DBZ Phonics With Broli"
"Grunt Grunt Grunt"
"Ouch, You Hurt Me"
"Goku Saves Everyone!: Episode 8"
"The Popular Super Gory, Violent, Scary,
Steroid induced clad fight extravaganza!"
(From MarioMan)
"The Galaxy's in
Danger! The Super Awesome Guy!"
"Enter Boujack: The Lamest Movie
"Gohan Is a Bad-Ass. Buy His Action
"Goku Doesn't Save Everyone!"
"The Dangerous Duo!
Super-Warriors Can't Rest"
"Broli's Baaaack!"
"Trunks Takes A Piss"
"Butt Party! Trunks Moons Broli"
"Trunks forgot to go before the fight!"
(From Treebee)
"Super-Warrior Defeat!!
I'm the One Who'll Win"
"Evil, Gloopy Clones Are Naughty!"
"Mr. Satan Is In This Movie. Don't
Watch It!"
"The Wonders of Bio-Technology"
"Gold Digger: Starring Juhachigou"
(from A Fat Smurf)
"Goku and Vegeta!
The Rebirth of Fusion"
"Hitler Comes To Town!"
"Vegeta Cries: Get The Kleenex"
"Fighting In Jelly Bean Land"
"Janenba Janenba Janenba!"
"Gogeta Is A Hunk!"
"Hell's Flatulence" (From MarioMan)
"Slim Fast doesnt work! GOGETA
RUN!" (From Treebee)
"Dragon Fist Assault!
If Goku Can't Do It, Who Can?"
"We're Milking the DBZ Market With Everything
We've Got!"
"The Last Movie: Thank God!"
"If Goku Can't Do It....Oh My God, We're
"Trunks Gets His Sword: Or Does He?
Doesn't He? Does He?"
"We Messed Up The Trunks Continuity"
"If Goku Can't Do it... Well, Lina Inverse
can!" (From MarioMan)
"If I don't make this monster into shish-kabob,
who will?" (From Kyle M.)
"It isn't possible for that sword to
be the sword Mirai Trunks uses, because Mirai
Trunks is from a different timeline, and if
anything having to do with Tapion happened
in his timeline, he wouldn't have to worry
about the androids; but then what if he went
back in time to get it; but then he would
have had to go before he fought the androids
for the last time in his timeline; but at
that point the time machine wasn't... ahhh,
forget it" (From Kyle M.)
Any Movie
"One more movie for FUNimation to screw
up" (FromPHMSAX)
"Stuff goes bad, Goku saves everyone"
(From Treebee)